Thursday, December 08, 2005

Half Nekkid Again

I was going to do a special HNT this week a là Tyler Durden but I got shy at the last minute. So instead I bring you another Half Nekkid post from sunny Miami Fla. Enjoy! PS if you missed Tuesday's post below take a look. Cheers!


MomThatsNuts said...

I love the beach!! Happy HNT!!!


Jennifer said...

I wish I was in FL right now. Happy HNT!

Tess said...

Tyler Durden, I love Fight Club, next week no more shy!

But this, this is where I want to be now, out of the freezing NY weather.

Happy HNT!

S said...

WOW That looks lovely, warm, and awesome!
Thanks for the Tori-ized comment on my blog! Any fan of Tori is a comrade of mine! Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

yeah, I got that shy feeling too...only AFTER I posted!


ZooooM said...

How cute are you guys?

Also, I hope you know I didn't intend to leave you out of my links. I've been trying to update the thing on my own instead of batting my eyelashes at the boy to make him do it. And of course it went a little wrong in places. I intend to get you linked properly, sir.

Blondage said...

Tyler Durdan?!?!? Ohhhhhhh! I definitely like you!

Cool pic. That water is beautiful. The Gulf near me is just murky nasty brown. Bleh!

Thank you so much for the compliment on my writing.

Happy HNT!

Blondie... said...

Tyler Durden?? Woo Hoo!

Good god, that water is so blue and just makes me want to jump in. Like blondage, its muddy and murky here too on the Texas coast. (at least near where I live)

Mara said...

You are forever making me crave the warm air and ocean.
Happy HNT

Jillian said...

Warn sunshine and the beach.....I want to be there!!

Happt HNT!!

MightyLambchop said...

I'm jealous of the sunshine and sand!
Happy HNT.

Still Searching... said...

A most beautiful pic! I simply adore the beach. Happy HNT.

madgirl said...

i am freezin my butt off with a foot of snow...and green with envy :)

happy thursday, andy! and thanks for what you wrote round my way :)


lime said...

thanks for the comment over at house of lime. put a smile on my face:) and happy HNT! nice beach shot!

Chick said...

You look so happy & warm & I'm jealous!

Happy HNT.

Lee Ann said...

Looks like you are having so much fun in the sun! Happy HNT!

Tammy said...

So much fun!

Happy HNT!

Beth said...

Awww, very sweet pic!


Anonymous said...

HHNT! :)

sands of time said...

Is that a tattoo on your arm.HHNT

Robin said...

Happy HNT! A little late but work seems to delay my hnt responses.

Robin said...

Y'all are beautiful! HHNT.

Aisha T. said...

Grrr...and I am gearing up for a snowstorm here! Great HNT. BTW, that is f*%ked up that there are hymen re-attachement surgeries.

Marie said...

Wow, it's beautiful over there. You both look great! Happy HNT :)

Randi said...

next time invite me there! happy hnt.

onan the bavarian said...

You guys look happy. Will you do the special one another week?

Wenchy said...

I think you would like South Africa's weather. :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Late HNT!

BTExpress said...

I miss summer already. HHNT!